Friday, July 12, 2013

Checking in

We had another weight check today. Everything is going great. The doctor continues to be impress by how strong of eaters they are. G is 7lbs now and C is 7lbs 2ozs. They continue to stay identical to when they were born- 2oz difference. And they are both 19.75 inches long. We go for the ultrasound in a week and a half and we have a car seat study this coming week in Roanoke.

This week the kids have decided to hit a growth spurt and eat about every 2 hours. (one or two feeds still 3 hours apart, but mostly 2 hours) This makes for a lot more feedings! The doctor said is should only last a few days and they will be back to their 3 hour schedule, so fingers crossed! We are trying to slowly up their intake from 60ml to 70ml to help their hunger. We attempted before but it was a little too much for them and they were throwing it back up. C seems to have minor reflux at this point, but nothing that is really concerning because he is still having outstanding weight gains. We just have to deal with being covered in vomit at times. We also have battled gasy tummies this past week. This seem to cure itself with more food intake and some gas drops to help relieve the pain.

This weekend we are headed to blacksburg to visit with friends and go to doctor appointments. We can't wait to see everyone!!

Dad still learning how pants work...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

First baseball game!

G and dad watching baseball
Mom and C watching the Durham Bulls

Monday, July 1, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Checking in

We had another weight check today. Everything is going great. The doctor continues to be impress by how strong of eaters they are. G is 7lbs now and C is 7lbs 2ozs. They continue to stay identical to when they were born- 2oz difference. And they are both 19.75 inches long. We go for the ultrasound in a week and a half and we have a car seat study this coming week in Roanoke.

This week the kids have decided to hit a growth spurt and eat about every 2 hours. (one or two feeds still 3 hours apart, but mostly 2 hours) This makes for a lot more feedings! The doctor said is should only last a few days and they will be back to their 3 hour schedule, so fingers crossed! We are trying to slowly up their intake from 60ml to 70ml to help their hunger. We attempted before but it was a little too much for them and they were throwing it back up. C seems to have minor reflux at this point, but nothing that is really concerning because he is still having outstanding weight gains. We just have to deal with being covered in vomit at times. We also have battled gasy tummies this past week. This seem to cure itself with more food intake and some gas drops to help relieve the pain.

This weekend we are headed to blacksburg to visit with friends and go to doctor appointments. We can't wait to see everyone!!

Dad still learning how pants work...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

First baseball game!

G and dad watching baseball
Mom and C watching the Durham Bulls

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy 1 month to us

g in the thin stripes, C in the large stripes