First- They are absolutely nutty kids. They are currently giggling in the laundry room playing with dirty clothes.
We have a doctors appointment next week for their 18 month check up. A little late, but on track for their gestational age. So I have no idea how heavy they are or tall they are, I don't think they weigh much more than 25lbs yet. I do think they have gotten significantly taller. They are getting too tall for their 12 month pants, but their poor little butts can't hold up the 18 month pants though. (sound familar, Jaimie?).
They also go to the Dentist in Feb for their first checks. I had a hard time deciding whether to take them or not. There is so much variation on whats the appropriate it. We figured since they have a full mouth of teeth that it was time to see the dentist for preventive maintenance.
Food- probably yogurt.
They have lost their love for hot dogs. They will eat them occasionally but not for every meal. They have been eating more of the food we serve for dinner, but its very hit or miss if they will eat it. Veggies are still meh to them. They will eat them in the puree packets.
Toy- I don't think they have one but they spend a lot of time with the marble run. mega blocks, bouncing balls, and cars.
They are starting to play a little better with just the two of them and not needing mom to supervise the whole time. As long as everyone is feeling their best, they will play a few hours on their own.
Stuffed Animal- C is probably the big bears he has. While G seems to love all the stuffed animals and has to have one in his bed now He seems to gravitate towards a bunny he has or eeyore. They have to bring their friends with them once they wake up in the morning
Book: "potty" book that we have. or "Who loves baby" Really nothing deep there. Just the books Marcus and I could reciate. Any of the more interesting reads they lose interest quick.
Activity- Probably art- drawing, painting, coloring etc. Its a lot of work for mom to set it up, but absolutly love it when she does! We have been cheating lately and letting them do it in the tub during bath time.
Our other loves:
Dancing- C is becoming quite the dancer. ITS HILARIOUS!
Dogs- We love to give dogs hugs and chase them. We just wish jessie loved us ganging up on her. We also like walking dogs,
Faces- C has really taken to making this funny face. It looks like it could be sad, but really its him being funny. This is the best picture I have of it right now. And then there is G who just makes super cheesy faces
Our biggest struggle-
Communication- The boys are really not developing their language. Its an area that we are going to talk more to the doctor about this month. We are seeing progression but not at the rate that is appropriate for their age. They should have about 50 words. They currently have Mom, dad, no, and jessie. And these have just been more recently. 5 words should be at 12 months. They were getting frustrated with not being able to talk so we started to teach more and more sign language. They are picking it up, but its a challenge at times, cause the ones they use the most start to look alike. Plus they don't like to mimic which makes it harder for them to learn, since they won't repeat us. They currently know: more, food, thirty, and bath all the time. We use cooking, wait, jacket, clothes, mom, dad, cracker and a few others to try to get them to extend their vocab. They do have a strong understanding of directions though. We can ask them to get something or do something and as long as they want to, they can do it.
Naps- I have talked about those recently and they are still going pretty well now. They are napping on the couch for 1-2 hours a day. Some days are a struggle but for the most part it goes pretty well.
Teeth- Oh God. These things are the devil in my kids. They don't cry all day because of the teeth but it really makes for a miserable day. They spend most of their time whining with their teeth are on the move. they have all their teeth in now (through their 1 year molars). the K9 teeth were the last to come in and still bother them some since they are still pushing the rest of the way out.
Other developments;
Sharing- As long as all is happy, they very nicely will share with each other and friends. They will sweetly make sure their brother always gets what they get.
Cleaning up: They like to clean up their mess when they spill food and stuff in the kitchen. And they are starting to become great cleaner of toys when we ask them and help them with it. Its made our evening clean easier the last couple of nights.
Potty: I think if G was an only child he would have been potty trained already. he knows how to hold and how to go potty. But he doesn't like to stop what he is doing to go constantly. And C has absolutely no interest which makes it harder to make G go and not C. We have been letting them run in underwear after dinner and we have had our share of accidents, but G also has had plenty of success in the potty. My hope is if we slowly introduce it this early that maybe he will just make the choice one day to just do it. Or when time comes, its an easier concept to understand.
Strangers: They are ok with new people if we are around, but still struggle to be left at a new place. They are sort of OK when the stranger is at our house and they are left with them.
Silverware: We are really great at feeding ourselves. Mom very rarely has to feed us. We can even drink out of a normal cup but we like to be silly and spit the water back out when we drink from them.
Throwing: C is really good at throwing a ball via over arm
Getting dressed: They are trying to help now and they will also help undress themselves.