Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 Month check up!

We had our doctor appointment today.

Weight: 10lbs (2nd Percentile)
Height: 21.38 inches (0 percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.16 inches (20th percentile)

Weight: 9lb 9oz (0 Percentile)
Height: 20.67 inches (0 Percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.2 inches (23rd Percentile)

So I think the weights are not perfect because C had just eaten and G was about to eat. In addition C went pee immediately after the weight. And he went A LOT, all over the counters. So I think C's weight is a little heavier then reality. It makes them look like C has grown a lot more than G, but I don't think that's the case.

G results from the ultrasound are back. And everything looks great and the doctor didn't hear or feel a click in his hip today. So for now, all is good. I'm sure they will continue to monitor it, but nothing needs to be done at this time.

Dr. Best was very impress with their head control. They are also doing all the things a 2 month old should be and then some. If you stand the kiddos up, they will support their weight for a few seconds before buckling their knees and they are pushing off with their feet which is not something you always see in 2 month olds. She said they are right on track where normal 2 month old babies should be and that's great considering they were preemies. We are going to work on getting one solid 4 hour block of sleep every night. We got some tips and tricks to try. We were doing most of them already and we are seeing one four hour of sleep every few days, but not always during the night.

The other fun part of today is that we got a lot of shots :(. They got 3 shots, an oral vaccine, and blood drawn. They did great for the shots. Screams when the injection happen, but quickly settled down once they were in our arms. The blood drawn was a heel stick and that was a little more painful. Once they pricked them, they had to keep squeezing their foot to get enough blood.

They are now sleeping soundly after such a traumatic morning.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 Month check up!

We had our doctor appointment today.

Weight: 10lbs (2nd Percentile)
Height: 21.38 inches (0 percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.16 inches (20th percentile)

Weight: 9lb 9oz (0 Percentile)
Height: 20.67 inches (0 Percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.2 inches (23rd Percentile)

So I think the weights are not perfect because C had just eaten and G was about to eat. In addition C went pee immediately after the weight. And he went A LOT, all over the counters. So I think C's weight is a little heavier then reality. It makes them look like C has grown a lot more than G, but I don't think that's the case.

G results from the ultrasound are back. And everything looks great and the doctor didn't hear or feel a click in his hip today. So for now, all is good. I'm sure they will continue to monitor it, but nothing needs to be done at this time.

Dr. Best was very impress with their head control. They are also doing all the things a 2 month old should be and then some. If you stand the kiddos up, they will support their weight for a few seconds before buckling their knees and they are pushing off with their feet which is not something you always see in 2 month olds. She said they are right on track where normal 2 month old babies should be and that's great considering they were preemies. We are going to work on getting one solid 4 hour block of sleep every night. We got some tips and tricks to try. We were doing most of them already and we are seeing one four hour of sleep every few days, but not always during the night.

The other fun part of today is that we got a lot of shots :(. They got 3 shots, an oral vaccine, and blood drawn. They did great for the shots. Screams when the injection happen, but quickly settled down once they were in our arms. The blood drawn was a heel stick and that was a little more painful. Once they pricked them, they had to keep squeezing their foot to get enough blood.

They are now sleeping soundly after such a traumatic morning.

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