Sunday, August 2, 2015

Time for the monthly update!- Medical

Things continue to be busy here. I am not sure how we are already in Aug. Did I even surface for air in July?

The boys had a Doctors appointment at the beginning of the month for their 2 year old checkup. I think its the first one I did solo. We were not sure they were going to get shots but I figured I could do it now. (There was no shots! YAY!) They did have their iron level test, but they were troopers about it and no tears.   Both of the boys are still within ounces of each other.
Height- 34.6 in (47.25 %)
Weight- 28lbs (45.8%)
Head Circumference- 19.4 (63%)

Height 34.8 (52.82%)
Weight 27.7lb (42.9%)
Head Circumference- 19.7in (79%)

They are very healthy kids. Are only concern remains is that they are still VERY limited speech. As of the appointment we had with the doctor they could only really say, please, mom, dad, no, yes, and animal sounds. So we are working with the doctor to find a reasonable place to get services since our insurance won't cover speech delays. (We change insurance providers on Sept 1 conveniently so hopefully this won't be an issue then.)

Since the appointment about a month ago, they now make a beeping sound, say up, down. Graham will also say out and go. 

They have also learn to jump off the ground this month, which is a surprisingly hard task to grasp. 

They continue to be great with puzzle. We try to play a memory game recently and they were great at it. They love any form of art. We continue to work on potty training. If they are naked they are 100% potty train, but if they have underwear or diapers on they will pee in them. So we are going to begin to work on that part soon. 

They still are sort of picky eaters. They love things sometimes and not other times. More times then not they won't eat new stuff. But we just keep trying. (Though at the beach, we really slacked on this, its vacation right?) 

They do a pretty good jump at wanting to clean (Like sweep and wipe up) but not as great about wanting to pick up toys. 

They love airplanes and helicopters right now. 

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Time for the monthly update!- Medical

Things continue to be busy here. I am not sure how we are already in Aug. Did I even surface for air in July?

The boys had a Doctors appointment at the beginning of the month for their 2 year old checkup. I think its the first one I did solo. We were not sure they were going to get shots but I figured I could do it now. (There was no shots! YAY!) They did have their iron level test, but they were troopers about it and no tears.   Both of the boys are still within ounces of each other.
Height- 34.6 in (47.25 %)
Weight- 28lbs (45.8%)
Head Circumference- 19.4 (63%)

Height 34.8 (52.82%)
Weight 27.7lb (42.9%)
Head Circumference- 19.7in (79%)

They are very healthy kids. Are only concern remains is that they are still VERY limited speech. As of the appointment we had with the doctor they could only really say, please, mom, dad, no, yes, and animal sounds. So we are working with the doctor to find a reasonable place to get services since our insurance won't cover speech delays. (We change insurance providers on Sept 1 conveniently so hopefully this won't be an issue then.)

Since the appointment about a month ago, they now make a beeping sound, say up, down. Graham will also say out and go. 

They have also learn to jump off the ground this month, which is a surprisingly hard task to grasp. 

They continue to be great with puzzle. We try to play a memory game recently and they were great at it. They love any form of art. We continue to work on potty training. If they are naked they are 100% potty train, but if they have underwear or diapers on they will pee in them. So we are going to begin to work on that part soon. 

They still are sort of picky eaters. They love things sometimes and not other times. More times then not they won't eat new stuff. But we just keep trying. (Though at the beach, we really slacked on this, its vacation right?) 

They do a pretty good jump at wanting to clean (Like sweep and wipe up) but not as great about wanting to pick up toys. 

They love airplanes and helicopters right now. 

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