Sunday, June 9, 2013


C thinking- "wait a minute I liked it much better when I got to lay with mom!"

G sucking his fingers after kangaroo time
Our Temps are down to 26 now!!! We are pretty much hanging at room temp in our condos. They stayed at 26 all through today and maintain good body temperatures all day. More than likely the night nurse will keep them in the condos and then in the morning they will move to open cribs.

They both had two nursing sessions today and did wonderful at it. The second session we actually skipped the supplement part because we felt like they did a good enough job eating. Once they go to open crib they have to show they can finish a bottle a few times. Then they will move off of cue based eating and more eating on demand. They will get to eat what they want and at the end of the day their total needs to meet their size requirements. If they can do this, they get to go home!! We are so close to the end, hopefully only a few more days here and we are set lose.

The boys continue to show so much personality. They make all sorts of faces at us and are very wiggly. We knew they be wild children based on how crazy their were in Kim's stomach. The poor ultrasound techs always had trouble keeping track of them because they move so much. And on more than one occasion the tech mention how they were by far the most wiggly children they have scanned, especially for twins. We found G today had kicked off all his blankets and started to roll to his side and kept trying to stick his feet out the doors. And C also kicked his blankets off at one point. They both manage to still have good temps even after their swaddle blankets came off, which gives us high hopes for the open crib success.

We also double Kangaroo cared today. The boys continue to love this time to sleep on Kim.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013


C thinking- "wait a minute I liked it much better when I got to lay with mom!"

G sucking his fingers after kangaroo time
Our Temps are down to 26 now!!! We are pretty much hanging at room temp in our condos. They stayed at 26 all through today and maintain good body temperatures all day. More than likely the night nurse will keep them in the condos and then in the morning they will move to open cribs.

They both had two nursing sessions today and did wonderful at it. The second session we actually skipped the supplement part because we felt like they did a good enough job eating. Once they go to open crib they have to show they can finish a bottle a few times. Then they will move off of cue based eating and more eating on demand. They will get to eat what they want and at the end of the day their total needs to meet their size requirements. If they can do this, they get to go home!! We are so close to the end, hopefully only a few more days here and we are set lose.

The boys continue to show so much personality. They make all sorts of faces at us and are very wiggly. We knew they be wild children based on how crazy their were in Kim's stomach. The poor ultrasound techs always had trouble keeping track of them because they move so much. And on more than one occasion the tech mention how they were by far the most wiggly children they have scanned, especially for twins. We found G today had kicked off all his blankets and started to roll to his side and kept trying to stick his feet out the doors. And C also kicked his blankets off at one point. They both manage to still have good temps even after their swaddle blankets came off, which gives us high hopes for the open crib success.

We also double Kangaroo cared today. The boys continue to love this time to sleep on Kim.

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