Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy 1 Month!

The boys are a month old today! Its definitely been a crazy month too.

Things have been going well since we got home. Nothing too new to report. We went to the doctor in Durham the day after C was released. The nurse came and got us to go back, and it actually was someone that Kim went to High School with. It was great to catch up with her and have her as our boys nurse! What a small world. We got lucky and got a great doctor that we love and are building a relationship with. She was impressed with their weight gains at that point (both right around 5lbs). We also try to schedule a test for the car seats, but this prove to be more of a challenge then we thought. Duke does not send anyone home in car beds so they don't have any means of testing kids outside of the hospital nursery. They have a nurse looking into this for us. We hope that they come up with something so we don't have to make a trip back during the week to Roanoke to retest them. Also during that appointment we decided that we would do an ultrasound on Graham's hip because the right one clicks when rotating it. They say this is really common due to how he was position in the womb. I was honestly not surprised to hear this because they had so much trouble trying to find one of his legs during deliver. Other than that everything went well.

We went back to the doctors a week later (June 27) and had another weight check. They are now 5lb 8oz and 5lb 9oz. Again the doctor was really happy with these numbers and she said just keep doing what we are doing cause they are doing wonderful. We still don't have answers on the car seat test and the ultrasound because the people that are working on it for us were out of town. We should hear early the following week on it. We will return to the doctors in two weeks (for a weight check) and then again in 4 weeks (2 month well check up).

We are pretty much living on a three hour schedule. The kiddos start getting cranky around 2.5 hours and we hold them, change them, start the bottles. By then its been 3 hours since the last feeding, so we feed them. They fall asleep in our arms. We put them down to sleep and then do it all over again in 2.5 hours. They are starting to become more alert in between feedings but we have had grandparents here to love on them and help us out. Overall, they have been really great at keeping a schedule and helping us stay sane.

Marcus started back at work mid last week, but Kim has had help during the day while he was gone. This week will be the first week that she is on her own. The house is all unpacked at this point and we are just trying to get all the trash out of here.

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy 1 Month!

The boys are a month old today! Its definitely been a crazy month too.

Things have been going well since we got home. Nothing too new to report. We went to the doctor in Durham the day after C was released. The nurse came and got us to go back, and it actually was someone that Kim went to High School with. It was great to catch up with her and have her as our boys nurse! What a small world. We got lucky and got a great doctor that we love and are building a relationship with. She was impressed with their weight gains at that point (both right around 5lbs). We also try to schedule a test for the car seats, but this prove to be more of a challenge then we thought. Duke does not send anyone home in car beds so they don't have any means of testing kids outside of the hospital nursery. They have a nurse looking into this for us. We hope that they come up with something so we don't have to make a trip back during the week to Roanoke to retest them. Also during that appointment we decided that we would do an ultrasound on Graham's hip because the right one clicks when rotating it. They say this is really common due to how he was position in the womb. I was honestly not surprised to hear this because they had so much trouble trying to find one of his legs during deliver. Other than that everything went well.

We went back to the doctors a week later (June 27) and had another weight check. They are now 5lb 8oz and 5lb 9oz. Again the doctor was really happy with these numbers and she said just keep doing what we are doing cause they are doing wonderful. We still don't have answers on the car seat test and the ultrasound because the people that are working on it for us were out of town. We should hear early the following week on it. We will return to the doctors in two weeks (for a weight check) and then again in 4 weeks (2 month well check up).

We are pretty much living on a three hour schedule. The kiddos start getting cranky around 2.5 hours and we hold them, change them, start the bottles. By then its been 3 hours since the last feeding, so we feed them. They fall asleep in our arms. We put them down to sleep and then do it all over again in 2.5 hours. They are starting to become more alert in between feedings but we have had grandparents here to love on them and help us out. Overall, they have been really great at keeping a schedule and helping us stay sane.

Marcus started back at work mid last week, but Kim has had help during the day while he was gone. This week will be the first week that she is on her own. The house is all unpacked at this point and we are just trying to get all the trash out of here.

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